Original Soul
When we discover, or uncover our Original Nature, we find the pure, fresh, mind, heart, and soul of ourself. We reclaim the Child and we are set free, the fog of the old world view lifts. We understand the world, and are no longer caught in the limited objective view controlled by fear. We find the Presence of Reality being our Original Nature. Knowing who we are, we know what is true and what is not. We are Life’s Infinity, we are freedom Itself- we are a sky full stars, with our feet firmly on the ground. The Child is the Living Truth and understands the chimerical ways of the world,...
Read MoreClearly
This Living Presence is a Mystery because It is beyond anything we can possibly ever comprehend. And yet, the wonder of It’s Immutable and Unknowable Presence is Right Here being this Isnesss of Life that I am and You are. And furthermore, This Awareness, which is God’s alone, has always existed and always will be. It is right here, as this Awareness that writes these words and the Awareness that reads them. Clearly, we are God’s Awareness. There is only One Mind and It’s Awareness is primary, first, all and only. It is not subject to time. Time and matter and ideas...
Read MoreRight Time
We are born pure and unconditioned. But that soon changes. No one tells us we are the Light of God, that we are this Infinite Presence of One, Single and Eternal Awareness. No one tells us that this time/space/ matter world is all within the Divine Awareness we are. But you know, you do, and you, and you – You know the Light divine is your eternal Soul. The Light, the Soul, like a photon, everywhere at once, that’s who we are, right here, always. This Soul, the holy Child is not harmed by our time in this world, not at all. This Child is Life Itself and Life does not die. Life is...
Read MoreMystical World
Beginning with an incorrect equation will only lead to corrupted answers. Working from the wrong equation for solutions to problems results in perpetual mistakes. We see this happening very blatantly now, everywhere in our society. It is time to live as the Truth and breathe freely. Life is a mystical journey and magical event. When we discover the correct Equation, when we find our Divine Identity, the Truth of who we really are – we are set free. Our view of Life is lifted up as our heart opens to the Living Source of Love flowing from equanimity, honesty and goodness. The world...
Read MoreSweet Unknown
How expansive to Live the Unbound Spirit of What Is Real and True. Those who are indoctrinated, believing the evolutionary-materialist mind-set are bound to the limits of that frame work. But when we are free from that mistaken belief system, we become visionary explorers, listening to ourself, the authority within us. We know we are the Light of Eternal Life. Then, seeing this and being this – we don’t let big government split us apart through fear and control. Whoever they are “they” have no power over us – not now, not ever, not any more. We are free to Live...
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