Light of Freedom
Remember When – Sandy Jones As this Unpossessed Awareness, we are not fooled by the appearances, the images within Awareness. All organized religions, governments, groups, political or scientific institutions – like everything else – are powerless images within Awareness. It makes no difference to God and God’s Awareness whether we think those images perceived as people, places and things – are good or bad. The Truth is, we are not subject to any images within Awareness. Our Real and Eternal Identity is this Unbound Presence, the Awareness that belongs to God...
Read MoreUnharmed and Free
Fanny’s St. Tropez – Sandy Jones This song of freedom sings from the heart of the Child we are. This Child is directly connected to the Light of Divine Intelligence, the One and Only Real Authority, as the All in all. This holy Child is our eternal Soul, our Original Identity, pristine, innocent, unharmed and free. The second coming of Christ happens for each of us as we uncover and resurrect this Christ-Child Light that was buried deep within. The holy Child understands what Love is and that Love sets us free. Many of us are leaving behind the old precepts and conditioning based...
Read MoreFor Good Reason
Songs – Sandy Jones Sometimes it’s helpful to realize that this world scene of people, places and things are something more like pixels and God is creating a story, a moving picture on the screen of Itself Being. God is the Unseen Light behind the passing scene. We are the Living Ideas, expressions of God’s Infinite Mind. We are less the objective, tangible masters in control of this passing scenery and more like the metaphorical Infinite qualities and attributes of our own Self-discovery playing out in God’s virtual reality. This discovery tells us we are not the...
Read MoreEver Changing
Sailing – Sandy Jones There are days when the sea breeze shifts direction and makes it’s way into the Ojai valley. On those days I can feel the ocean in the air and taste it’s cool, moist, saltiness. It takes me back to my childhood. I grew up living only a few blocks from the ocean. I love that ocean air and today is one of those days. Isn’t it wonderful how the weather is always changing, always on the move, always coming up with surprises. Everyday is new, alive, fresh and never the same as the day before. Change is one thing that is consistent about Life. I love that. Though the...
Read MoreTimeless Fusion
Piano – Sandy Jones I remember Tom Sawyer’s advice to Becky Thatcher “Don’t explain no more ‘ n ya haf ‘ ta.” Simple and easy is good, especially when talking about the magical universe of the heart. The things that are essential are within us. They come to us, each of us, from within ourself. And when they do, we can know and live this genuine peace and carefree childlike happiness in the midst of this transient, temporary journey of life. We all have this Divine Imprint within us. We recognize our unbound Joy when we uncover our Original Nature,...
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