Joyful Feeling
Garden Table – Sandy Jones Shakespeare’s work is enduring because it is filled with the Light of Truth. His enlightened stories remain valid for us today. Yes, to thine own self be true. Listen to that inner voice of knowing. Do what is right for you. Be true to yourself. It’s important. The Keys to the Kingdom are within you. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do. Listen to your heart, the Real Authority is This One That You Are. It is a joyful feeling to Live from this Light of Truth that is Always here, being All That You Are. You will feel a peaceful sense of your...
Read MoreSerendipity
By The Sea – Sandy Jones It was serendipity that day he walked into The Country Store. How I loved his smile. It was a perfect day. Serendipity is when we find something valuable that we had not been looking for. The treasure just falls into our Life. It was serendipity that brought me the most wonderful gift. There he was, my love, my prince charming, my one and only. And as the story of true love goes, he took me home to live happily ever after. These years later I see all of Life as one big ongoing, unfolding experience of serendipity. I’m always surprised by this grand,...
Read MoreIs Forever
China Cove Sunset – Sandy Jones If we are very fortunate, something happens and we discover that the Self we are is eternal. We realize it very directly; our Life is not “in” the body. We are Life Itself, and this Life we are isn’t born and never dies. There is no other Isness than Life. There is Only One Life and It is All That Is. Without the fear of death, we find the Joy of Living. Our existence becomes rich and wonderful. Yes, we see bodies come into the world and we see them leave this world, but there is a gift and an insight of the Heart that unveils the...
Read MoreLight
Morning Light – Sandy Jones Everything, everything that is – is God’s unending measureless Light. It’s pouring in, pouring out, being all that Is, all that you are and all you see. Whether we know it or not, it makes no difference to this Infinite Presence That Is. That’s Love, that’s the Way of Love, It is here whether we care or not, notice or not. Yet, it makes a most magnificent difference in our life when we do realize this Living Presence is being the Life we are. We see our whole world in a new Light and everything is filled with the fresh wonders...
Read MoreLaoTse
Buttercups – Sandy Jones When the solipsistic (internal) nature of the universe really begins to dawn within, we become aware of how our attitude and thinking plays a part in the entire world scene—even the universe. Yes, the universe is within consciousness and so are we. However, as Lao Tse points out, “The world is already a perfect vessel and whoever tries to improve it, spoils it.” – And we have certainly seen that happening. As the authoritarian tyrants seem to be causing more of a mess while thinking they can solve all the problems. Problems are the way of the Life, they...
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