Colors fascinate and captivate me. I love to use lots of color when I paint. And I like deep, rich colors in my home. I love bright pure white Zen homes, but I need to live in a rough and tumble succulent environment of textures, sensual silks and velvets drenched in the essence of ruby reds, emerald greens, sapphire blue. It’s difficult to summon up the gemstone radiance when I am creating a painting. It takes a lot of paint. I need to keep it thick while mixing and combining to get the colors to be strong, dark, yet vibrant. But, the real magic and beauty of my home is the Presence...
Read MoreUnbound Love
This Infinite Beauty of Love lives as all things, right Here as this world. We let the holy Child take our hand and lead the way. An Ineffable Something Good and Real is here. When we know It’s Presence, the commonplace becomes brilliant and the ordinary becomes extraordinary. Life is lit with It’s wonder and magic. The inanimate comes alive and dances and dazzles, shimmers and shines its holiness in mysterious ways. In the depths of my heart are soft, gentle visions that keep my spirit lifted on this infinite sea of God’s Mind. We are on a playful adventure, floating on...
Read MoreOne Reality
Recognizing our Divine Nature is essential if we hope to see a harmonious, prosperous, enlightened world. We begin by knowing that Life is the Living Presence is God. God and God’s Awareness is the only Reality here. The reason we are aware that we exist is because we are God’s Divine Awareness. We realize our Identity is Awareness Itself. Our Self exists because God Is the Light of Awareness Being ALL That Is. The bottom line, the common denominator is the Uncaused Principle, the Infinite Mind of God and God alone. Everything seen and known is through the Illimitable Light of...
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There seems to be two differing beliefs. One saying that there is no God, so man can be God. The other saying there is a God, but we are separate from that God. However, Neither of those ideas are true. There is a third stance that sees God, Divine Mind as All That Is, and This Divine Mind is being the Life we are. This third view appears when we make our own Self discovery, coming full circle back to our innocent and childlike pristine Self. The Child is the Original Nature, the Living imprint of God’s divine expression. God is All and we are made in the image of God. The Child of...
Read MoreWithin
This matter of fixing things out there in the world is not up to the government or a political systems or presidents, and we won’t be saved by some magical leader of one kind or another. Fixing things happens within you, alone, all by yourself. No one else can live your life for you. It’s a one to one turn around, we go within and find the real Savior is the Divine Light of ourself. We uncover our Unbound Original Self, our honest, whole, sane, balanced, beautiful, rich, prosperous and trustworthy, pristine, holy Identity. And we Live It right here in the world. There is no one...
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