Glimmering Light
As long as I listen to my own heart and stay true to my self – at this point everything becomes self-evident. Understanding What Is becomes very clear now. The clarity is beyond the landscapes of this conventional view of Life, but it brings everything in this world up to this place within the Heart that is much sweeter and easier. Perhaps because the space within has become so full and rich, vast and unending. We are Life Itself and Life is Infinite, flowing, moving gently like a harmonious love song. I move with It, in tune with the Great Tao and Its Music of the Spheres. No one can...
Read MoreMagical Journey
Each of us on our own unfolding journey of Self-discovery as we blossom into knowing – and knowing we know. To enjoy the wonders of this divine garden of life, the heart of the holy Innocence we are, filled with the joy of living, alive and fearless like the little child of fairy-forest delights. Life blooms, Life always blooms anew. Even when humans try to control it, repress, restrain, confine, refine – Life remains untouched, unbound and free. We can thank the storms, the winds, the honey bees, the blessed rapture of this ongoing Mystery. Life conspires to Live It’s...
Read MoreMind of God
“Magic Moment” Sandy Jones Seems we are shifting from the objective, evolutionary, material-tangible view of Life, to a more all inclusive Understanding of the subjective quantum-Divine Intelligence view. Realizing there is no life, truth or substance in matter is not an easy shift to make, albeit, a necessary one. Eventually most will begin to see the way to navigate all this change. It won’t be found in our leaders or in governments and political policies. We are letting go of the old mistaken beliefs that are based upon a false premise. Now we realize there is only One...
Read MoreEssence of Love
No, it doesn’t matter to me, it all makes my heart sing. Such lovely fabric gets torn but I see the beauty that remains. Beauty, like love, is made of holy stuff, it is forever and cannot be lost. This heart of mine, it knows its own infinity and everlasting light. It makes no difference to the Light of Divine Intelligence what we do or don’t do, know or don’t know. How very beautiful God is. And God is Love. This Life is Love. This is my joy and Love. We are Living this Light of pure sheer pleasure of this living Mystery. I see your magical smile through the delicate...
Read MorePerfect Love
Cat on Red -Sandy Jones When we know who we are, we know what Love is – and we have no fear and no need to control life. This love is freedom, it is Life Itself. We are It’s sparkling evidence, we are Life’s childlike pure delight. As Lao Tse said “The world is already a perfect vessel and whoever tries to improve it, spoils it.” And we look around at how those who do not know their True Nature, want to manipulate, control, and make the world in their image of what they think is right and good. We see how they only make it worse, only mess it up. But the truth is, love...
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