For Good
Sparkles Came Home – Sandy Jones Light is Information. Claim your divine birthright, the holy Child you are – and Live the unbound joy of this abiding Peace –
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Flower Bath – Sandy Jone Call it what you want; enlightenment, illumination, freedom, self-realization, but anyone of us can discover and Live this Light of Reality. It is our divine heritage. It is already within our heart, waiting to be uncovered. We can leave the dogma, indoctrination and the political and spiritual dictates behind. We find our own true Light which is the divine authority within us. We finally understand the exclusivity and arrogance of unyielding creeds and ideologies that discourage the individual’s freedom to climb to the top of the Mountain where our all...
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Blankets – Sandy Jones It takes nothing more than to realize you are the one you’ve been looking for. You and God are one. God is always being you, right here and right now. You could not exist if God were not being all that you are. God is the Infinite, Omniscient Light of Life being all things, God is the Ineffable Mystery, greater and beyond all things, all matter, all time, all we see and all we don’t see. We are not God, but God is this Self-Awareness being the Life you are. No one else owns you. No one. There is nothing outside of this Absolute Being that is being...
Read MoreA Second Chance
Strawberry Day – Sandy Jones We come into this world fresh, pure and innocent, wide-open to this experience of the Unknown. However, very soon we begin to lose this bright, unbound wonder and holy beauty of our original nature. Imperceptibly, that pure essence of our being gets covered over and forgotten. But I know we can rediscover, uncover this pure, fearless Spirit. We can find this Sacred Gem, the Divine Spark of this holy Child once again. And when we find it for the second time, we see clearly what is not true – as we Live the Illimitable Joy of What Is. Here is the...
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Oliver with Cats – Sandy Jones The World is like a Cosmic Egg and we are It’s Original Seed. Now the Universe is ready to give birth. The old ways inside the eggshell have come to an end. The egg is cracking open, the divine time is now. We are feeling the push toward the vision that shines through the broken Shell. We see how the human institutions are trying to hold us back from this quantum emergence into the fullness of our destined Selfhood and the knowledge of our Divine Heritage. The small glimmer of Light reveals the social and political chaos, the lies and deception, the...
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