Living It
Flower Fairies – Sandy Jones Everything is of Divine Mind. This holy Presence IS the common denominator of all things. What is “within” is seen “out there” – we are the world we walk through. Thus the wealth of a country is measured by the level of joy and balanced-health of its people. Our country, our world is off balance. Balance is found through Self-discovery and Living those glimpses of Truth that come to us. Whenever we have had a glimpse, we have come back to childlikeness, for the briefest moment. To change the glimpse into the Light of the...
Read MoreKnowing This
Fanny’s St.Tropez – Sandy Jones Life is not subject to, nor under the influence of the temporal, objective, materialist beliefs. Think whatever we want to think, Life goes on, untouched. Life, the Life you really are, is the unbound, immortal, everlasting Light. God’s Self-knowing Awareness is the Identity you are; the holy Child of God. You are not bound in slavery to mortal mind and it’s false precepts, nor is your Joy and Love restrained by the limited appearance of birth, death, time and matter. We can break free from the false beliefs and Live the Unbound Wonders...
Read MoreLight Reveals
Ewe Know – Sandy Jones The holy Child arises when we die to the past, die to false values, the mistaken beliefs of humanity. I know that no one’s words can help another uncover this holy Child of Light within us. However, it is good to hear the message that is honest and true. But still, this Self-discovery has to be done alone. If the words are “made plain upon the table” then they can help us to find our way back to this Carefree Spirit of Light within our own Heart and Soul. But no one can make the leap for us. No one can die to the past, the old beliefs, the false...
Read MoreMysterious Paradox
Sailing – Sandy Jones As Awareness, we are not responsible to Awareness or for It in any way. We don’t have to “see” certain things. We don’t have to be “mindful” we don’t have be “still’ we don’t have to do anything in order to Be What Is. We do not have to experience improvements or changes in any way. We have no responsibility because this Divine Isness is the fullness of this consciousness we are. God’s Awareness is All That Is and It is All That We Are. Ending our ludicrous attempt to manipulate the human scene, the...
Read MorePerfect Light
Sweet Wonder – Sandy Jones As Lao-Tze points out, “The world is already a perfect vessel and whoever tries to improve it, spoils it.” That’s a most brilliant statement and it seems ever so true. We can see how dealing with the world from the old unreal beliefs based on mistaken identity only makes things worse. This holy Child we are can See the Truth and knows Life is the Living Presence of God and the childlike wonder we are always looks for the Good that is present, expecting to see it, we see it. This Life is God’s viewing. No matter how desperately we cling...
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