Posted by on Jan 15, 2022 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on Light Reveals

Ewe Know – Sandy Jones

The holy Child arises when we die to the past, die to false values, the mistaken beliefs of humanity. I know that no one’s words can help another uncover this holy Child of Light within us. However, it is good to hear the message that is honest and true. But still, this Self-discovery has to be done alone. If the words are “made plain upon the table” then they can help us to find our way back to this Carefree Spirit of Light within our own Heart and Soul. But no one can make the leap for us. No one can die to the past, the old beliefs, the false identity, for us. This glorious Light that reveals Itself IS within each and everyone of us. I can only tell you that it is awaiting to be uncovered, that we can Live again, fresh, fearless, new and Real. I have learned that the only real service to our world is to put the worldly values aside and come from the Truth within my heart, my mind, and let this holy Spirit that guides me and leads the way. There is Something here in this Marvelous World that shines with the good, the beautiful, the true and eternal. I must share my Joy with my world – I would be remiss to all that I love and all those I love – if I were to do otherwise.