Fear Not
Dazzled In Pink – Sandy Jones The jasmine are in bloom again, filling the air with their heavenly sweet scent. And I can see the materialist perspective we are taught – is not true. Matter doesn’t control or create God. God is the All, the Isness of Life, the Light of Life that is being our Identity. The shift in perspective happens within us, when we see through this material world, realizing matter is the ever-changing scene, ephemeral images, nothing real and nothing to fear. Reality Itself is the Infinite Mind, the very Light of God. Life and Its Awareness are not...
Read MoreIllumination
The Meadow -Sandy Jones This heavenly Peace awakens me. It opens another realm, a slight shift happens. This imperceptible mystery enters, as the holy Light comes shining bright. Then, right here, I’m in the Meadow, as this galavanting beauty frees my spirit, returns, takes my hand to dance again. I am transported and my world is seen with new eyes. All becomes heavenly, twinkling with magic. The sweet, fresh air moves, unloosed from the lies and imposters that betray the world since time began. Now we hear this song of Life singing with the trees and birds and all the tiny, tender...
Read MoreDivine Principle
Cat On Red – Sandy Jones Words, words sit very close to God’s Being. Consider God as the Invisible Divine First Principle. And consider that letters come from an invisible principle called the alphabet. Like all principles, we can’t see or touch the principle itself, but we use principles all the time, they are always available, always here. God is the First Principle, One and All Inclusive. Even though we can’t actually see or touch God, we know the Principle of God exists, because this world exists, it’s always here. So there it is, my Love for words and my...
Read MoreThe Holy Trinity
Daylight – Sandy Jones Everything comes together through Illumination within the Heart of us. The visible, tangible world of measurable light, merges softly, inexplicably, with the Immeasurable, Invisible Light of the Infinite Presence. The two come together, the way the focus on binoculars become one clear view. The merge takes place here within our Heart. Matter unites with the Unseen Light and we feel moved by the Love felt between those two. This Love brings the remembrance of the holy Child, the Christ Light of Life, our Original Nature. This is the Holy Trinity; the objective...
Read MoreSo They Say
Ojai Blooms – Sandy Jones I hear them say, they say words are not It. They say words are susceptible to problems. Yes, true, but that’s not a way toward helping us to understand the things we need to understand. We don’t throw the words out, We find the powerful significance of words, the magical essence of words. Words are heavenly, the sweet divine, words are filled with light and power, beauty and magic. Words are the illusion that whispers such mystery, poetry of the soul, whispers softly I love you. Love. It’s all mystical moonlight and starry wonder. Seeing...
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