Living Mind
Moonlight Meadow by Sandy Jones And for me, that my words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of my wondrous world. There is an invisible, substantial power behind the appearances of this world. The power is the Infinite Mind of God. That Mind is here being all that you are. Everything going on in your world is happening within this Divine Consciousness. You are one with this Living Mind of God. We are creating this unfolding story appearing out there in the world. You see in your world what you hold within you. It’s your attitudes, your state of mind, your...
Read MoreBlooming
Ojai Blooms by Sandy Jones It is in our divine imprint, our holy DNA. We are designed for this. We cannot flourish with fear encapsulating our holy beauty. We are here to open ourself to Life. To Live fully feeling it all, willing to let Life take us, no matter what we’ve been programmed to believe. Break free to be this living, unfolding, glorious essence of yourself. Like a little seed soaking in the earth, quiet in the dark of the unknown, feeling the warmth of the springtime rain, Life nourishing the seed in the silence of a holy mystery. The essential nature of the seed is not...
Read MoreOne Day
“Ewe Know” by Sandy Jones One day, awakened from a difficult situation, I found myself to be unbound and set free, alive, fresh, a new Self, but a familiar, dear and cherished Self, this Identity unharmed and unscathed by time. This Child I am Lives without ceasing. And Living now, from this heart of the holy Child that returned to me, it is crystal clear that I am to write from this fresh Living Joy that has found me. Write without opinion, without speculation or theory. Write it from the very Life I am, expressing the feelings of this Unbound Joy that has found me. One day it...
Read MorePlayfully
“Strawberries” by Sandy Jones Khalil Gibran said “Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children.” For me too. When I returned to myself and opened my Heart to this Divine Presence of Life, this Presence gave Itself to me. When I found myself this holy, playful Joy with Life, everything becomes ever sweeter and easier to understand.When we are willing to Live, we can feel the holy Presence moving through us. Life and I have become intimate. We are embracing, moving together,...
Read MoreLiving Freedom
“Floral Abundance in Pink” by Sandy Jones I am a lover of Freedom because Freedom is what God is. When we discover God is Freedom, and God is All That Is – we Live It and our whole world is set free. Liberated from the “old man-mistaken view” that keeps us locked into fear and false beliefs, others begin to find and Live their inherent Freedom too. Living God’s Presence as the Love we are, is Living without fear. Love is the Living Child of God – we are this holy Child, the Light of God. Knowing You exist, is God’s Knowing. There is no other...
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