Holy Happiness
We have the Light of Understanding here, within our heart. Everyone of us Is this Living Light. When we know this, we listen to our heart and we do it our way. It is up to us to be happy or not happy. That’s a choice that is available to everyone. Happiness is not dependent on what we do or what we have. Happiness is within us. We find this Inner Light of our Self and we Live this fearless Love we are. We live our freedom of choice that is within us. We Live the way we want to. Our happiness is not dependent on the situations or circumstances in the world. Knowing our Real Identity, we...
Read MoreEverything
Moonlight Meadow by Sandy Jones Everything is mystical and magical about this world we live in, or more nearly, this world we live AS. The world and the Self are not separate. The world out there and your Identity are one Awareness, One Living Presence of Self-Awareness. The world and You are the Living experience of the One Mind, Isness, the Presence of God. This is a Self-Aware World and this Awareness is you. You are the world you walk through. What appears externally as the world is a reflection of what you think, believe and feel within you. If you are to see your world improve, we do...
Read MoreDivine Heritage
Autumn Afternoon by Sandy Jones We are ready to break free and be this Living Action of our divine Self-Knowing Awareness, right here in this experience of time and matter. We are awakening, eager to Live our Unbound Joy with holy passion. We are here in this experience to find our unbound, creative expression as this unique, Inspired Identity. We are not here to have our Holy Spirit squelched. We have the power of choice. We can rise above this criminal situation that has been put upon us and accepted as real. Or we can see the Light of Truth, and realize what is actually Real. What is Real...
Read MoreBalance
The Meadow – by Sandy Jones Enlightenment, Illumination, Christ-Consciousness, Understanding, Self-Realization – all the same thing; Knowing and Living the Balance. The Balance is the Third point that shows-up on journey to Self discovery. Do you remember how wonderful it was when you were a little kid and you learned to ride your bike? That exquisite moment when you felt that sweet sense of balance. That was it, oh yes, you knew it. Once you felt it, you kept going and It became all yours. Well, that is what we are looking for here, and calling it all kinds of things, but really...
Read MoreReflections
Bath by Sandy Jones Something wonderful happens when we realize that Life is here for us, not against us. Then we open our self to the Realization that Life and God are One Presence. You cannot be anywhere else but with the Life that This Divine Light Is. When we are open, loving It all, we are captivated by this sense of Life’s unfolding magic. We are willing to go where It takes us. Something peaceful and fearless will hold you. You will feel the rich depth of Life’s Loving Presence. Nothing stands in our way of seeing and being this Presence of Living-We-Are. This whole, wild,...
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