The Honest One
Green Chair – SandyJones It is time to awaken to our Honest Identity if we want to see an Honest world out there. In Truth, the world “out there” is not separate from our Identity. The problems in our world begin with the mistaken belief about our very own Selfhood. We are mis-informed, and the mis-information is reflected in the world. It’s quantum physics at its finest; What we be is what we see. We won’t ever see anything or anyone being truthful in our world, until and unless we each awaken to the Truth within ourself. In Truth we are the holy Child made in...
Read MoreSimplicity
Yellow Chair -Sandy Jones We can find Real freedom, right here in the world, just as it is, when we don’t limit ourselves to trusting the intellect alone. Open the Heart and feel the tender innocence of our True Nature. Listen to the Inner Truth that is always present. After all, we come from the Light and this holy Imprint, the Eternal message is written our Heart. Letting our Heart lead us, we develop ever wider attitudes of awareness, clarity and unbound vision. Fear vanishes as we ease away from the intellectual intensity that seeks to overwhelm. We see through commercialized,...
Read MoreBelieving
This Inner Glow of Childlikeness is our True Identity. It is the holy balanced place, a joyous state of believing. This pure, innocent, innate knowing tells us there is something grander than the scene at hand, something greater than the awesome laws of nature that put the scene here. It takes the heart of childlikeness to see beyond society and its institutions, beyond the mistaken human precepts that keep people bound to what is not real and never was. The wonders of believing like a little child takes the walls of the prison down. It takes a still deeper sense of childlikeness to see that...
Read MoreEternal Heart
Woodsong – Sandy Jones As a little girl, I was enchanted by Aesop’s fables, fairytales and ancient Greek mythology. My mother spoke Greek fluently. It’s a language of profound meaning, and exquisite beauty. I learned about the Divine Essence of words from her, about the hidden treasure of metaphor, the inspired meaning behind old classic tales. Life is the story of our individual unfolding search for Something Unknown. The discovery of the Real and Sacred Knowing is found within us – awaiting us all. From time began, so many have discovered this Light of Truth and...
Read MoreWinter Rain
Daylight – Sandy Jones Such a pleasure this sweet gentle rain soaking into the earth. All the little green shoots and sprigs of jade green grass are coming up along with the narcissus – those white, winter flowers of delicate, sweet fragrance. And my citrus trees bringing lemons, tangerines and oranges. I can’t image how anyone could not see the Divine Intelligence of Life. This exuberant force of Brilliance, the Invisible Foundation of All That Is. This Intelligent Presence knows very well how to take Itself, which includes you and me. As Lao Tse points out, “The world is...
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