Test Drive
Green Chair – Sandy Jones I am here, yes – but I am living the visions of Eternity. No one would have asked for all this anguish we see in our world. But right here, right now, I feel nothing but the beauty of the evening light and soft sounds of happiness. It seems a wonderful time to use wisely, to stand with the holy Heart-Child and see what happens when we do. Time to test drive this beauty and no matter what happens in this world or to this world, I’ll stay with this peace that found me. I will love it all from the Heart of the holy Child. There is no other way for me. I...
Read MoreWisdom
Starlight -Sandy Jones Best to find the Real Identity, the Light of the holy Child. We are not a mortal body that contains life. Knowing this, we let go the illegitimate belief that presumes we are separate from God. We find our Real Identity and we are able to live this joyful calm, no matter what we have or don’t have, no matter what’s happening in the world around us. Even as the media belches and bellows that the world is ending, we find ourself happily living this holy Presence of Being. We stay Here, right Here with this Peace that comes with knowing the Real Self-I-Am....
Owl Creek Bath – Sandy Jones And to hear that all is well with our world again. In so many ways I see the confirmation that the Real survives, the truth will out and that what is not real, not true, serves to make its opposite clearly understood in our affairs. This entire experience in our lives, in our world, has served us very well because, I am certain you’ll agree, there are few on earth who can speak of what they know is true within their heart with more authority than the one who has lived what is not and never was – and thus to find the Light within that Lives What...
Read MoreLove’s Whisper
Oliver With Cats – Sandy Jones Every moment, every which way, wherever I am, I am living in the middle of the Infinite Beauty of myself, the entire Universe I am. Life is a love story so extraordinary, washed in the soft pink of a hot summer night. How marvelous to feel a million joys, living irresponsibly, aimless, carried along on this holy river of love. What is true and real cannot be lost. I am the wind blown freedom, it is the irresistible and effortless way of my soul. Gazing up at the glimmering, bejeweled dark depth of the night sky, I feel Something Divine, I feel the soft...
Read MoreAlready Here
Blankets -Sandy Jones Remember, no one owns the Life you are, It belongs to the Light of the Universe and That Alone and Only. You are the Awareness of God’s Intangible Isness, the Living holy Spirit. This divine Soul of us knows what is Real and what is not. Balanced between the two, we know what to do and how to do it. We are capable of discerning the Truth. The Truth is here, It is being the Life and Light of all that is. We are not slaves to the spell-binder’s powerless threats. We live the fearless fire and light of this unbound Joy that burns away the mist of deception and...
Read MoreTotality
Evening Light – Sandy Jones Truth isn’t bound to meet human expectations, nor to make sense to us. Truth is not beholden to the precepts of reason and beliefs that humans live by. Truth, God, Reality includes reason and logic, Divine Mind is Transcendent. We are God’s Self-knowing Awareness Living Its evidence as this seeming material-birth-death time in the world.. Though we are in Reality the Self-knowing Awareness of God’s Being. It is wonderful to know that no human, no other, and no ‘global world order’ can trap, cage, limit, determine, harm,...
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