Posted by on Jun 13, 2021 in Sandy's Blog | 2 comments

Blue Birds -Sandy Jones

When we uncover our authentic, original nature, we find an abundance of freedom. Freedom to think, to imagine and to believe – and to believe in God. It is through believing that we find God. I doubt there is any other way to really know for ourself that the Miraculous exists. I realize we can’t prove God to others, but I know for myself God exists. Godhead, the Unseen Isness of Life, the Light of divine Presence is present, without a doubt. And It does indeed show up for the childlike and the believing ones, proving Its Presence right here. We also reclaim this Living wellspring of imagination, innovation, and creativity and the power of Love. The Child has this pure innocence that doesn’t worry about what others do or think. We follow our own heart, there are on rules here, but there is this divine compass within that leads us aright. The best thing is that we are not taken in by societal pressure, political correctness, spiritual or academic indoctrination. We have broken through the veil of indoctrination, fear and conditioning. In this clear Light we are free. The Miraculous proves Itself – It shows up for the simple and childlike among us, hard pressed, shaken together and running over with proof after proof upon proof.


  1. 6-15-2021

    Knowing: Dear Sandy, It is so true and so beautifully expressed. If we let the Divine Child take Its rightful place in our heart, fully in our heart, we are freed. The divine compass of the Child will guide us safely according to our true nature. And we don’t need anymore to search outside desperately to find our way. This post is a true precious gift because it gives Freedom . Thanks a lot for your post .

    • 6-15-2021

      It is lovely to know that my little bits of truth and joy are precious reminders of the Light and Freedom we are – and yes, we are. The Joy of knowing this unleashes our heart so we can feel the beauty of God’s Presence being right here as this sweet holy Child we are –