Posted by on Mar 9, 2020 in Sandy's Blog | 2 comments

Daylight – Sandy Jones

Anima Mundi – Such is love in the mystery of the Soul, Everywhere at once, dazzling our senses as this world of the ten thousand things. This vessel of beauty lives as the heart of us, here to embrace it all and reject nothing. And the Unseen Light is joined in holy matrimony with this Soul. The heart opening to celebrate this Love, feeling the Sacred Union within us as the very Life we are –


  1. 3-10-2020

    Sandy, thank you. 💕

    ‘This vessel of beauty lives as the heart of us.’ 

    ~   ~   ~

    That’s what has become of his backbone 

    A whirlwind-vortex
    of ghastly mind-made fabrication
    the worrier
    a spinning top toy
    turns glorious day
    black as asphalt
    a nightmare and fearful goes-by
    along the wide-open skyline  
    until finally, fatigued
    loses his strength, and
    like a juggernaut caught
    in a gust of wind tips over
    and rolls on his side
    he is exhausted
    and in silence sees
    something beyond
    in the beam of his attention:
    a column of light
    the courage to climb
    this vessel of beauty—
    that’s what has become of
    his backbone.  

    • 3-10-2020

      Thank you, you are touching the Light by way of the words – it is beautiful, this whole wondrous unfolding of the miraculous splendor this Light that we get to live –