Posted by on Jan 18, 2020 in Sandy's Blog | 2 comments

The wonder of Life is simply Something magic. There is no more than this Infinite Light of Totality that is Being All That Is. When we let go and jump in, we are taken on the waves of this Light of Infinite Love, and we feel the rush of it all. No longer putting others up as authorities and bowing to the fears perpetrated by the controlling powers that be. No more – not now. Now we are going to trust our Self, because we can feel, touch, know This Divine Presence. No more intermediaries standing between our Self and Life Divine. Ahhh, yes God is the Light of this sweet Joy. We are living as this fearless, intuitive, gracious, trusting, knowing of our Undying Self. This is to live in the freshness of Love, feeling this Authentic surging beauty that is moving through our Soul. Nothing stands in our way now. We’ve let go the human answers, realizing they are based on false, conditioned beliefs. We let go of fear and we take our chances, we ride the waves of Life from our very own unbound Spirit that lives in a faithful and fearless freedom. How beautiful our True Nature, the Child of Forever. Fearless, free and easy, we live in the world as the ungovernable, tender, Original Self we are. We are taken care of, true to our Self alone, feeling Life’s sweet joy, unharmed, innocent, like a child again.


  1. 1-19-2020

    Thank you, Sandy, ‘When we let go and jump in, we are taken on the waves of this Light of Infinite Love, and we feel the rush of it all.’

    * * *

    Let Go

    Feel as if
    and begin to walk
    with a light step
    in the months of June and July
    to wonder in one harmonious view
    sunshine and shade
    the nameless
    found in abundance


    • 1-19-2020

      Yes, how very exquisite the summer sunshine and flickering light of trees and magic wonder of the cool quiet feel of the shade – very nice – really magical – takes me there – <3