Posted by on Jan 20, 2020 in Sandy's Blog | 1 comment

Bluebirds – Sandy Jones

We can be fearless, and trust our joyful heart that lives in this delightful Presence of Something Divine. It is all Love, unbound and Real. Living in and as this Unknown in joyful expecting that wonders of Love’s Intelligence knows what is needed and how to do it. Life is unharmed, It goes on Being All That is. We get to Live this pristine exquisite beauty. Our eyes are filled with the very essence of Life itself. We trust Life like a child full of amazement. We can live with our heart open, curious and wondering what will happen next, knowing that whatever it might be, it is something good. It’s true. This sweet life allows us this freedom to live without fear for anything. We are in love. It has to do with those of us who want to do as we are supposed to do. It’s simple. We let the winds of Life’s wild wonders tangle our hair and sweep us off our feet. We are taken, lifted up on the wings of angels, seeing and being the love that is this most magical, marvelous world of ours.

One Comment

  1. 1-21-2020

    Hi Sandy, thank you,— ‘We can be fearless, and trust our joyful heart that lives in this delightful Presence of Something Divine.’ 💕

    * * *

    Prepared for us

    A delight to those who bathe
    in its living water— I dreamed
    we were talking about a healing river
    that flows across a richly-flowered meadow
    with busy bees in—
    the heart of a happy summer season.