Posted by on Sep 4, 2019 in Sandy's Blog | 2 comments

Joy Sings – Sandy Jones

In the heat of the summer night I was lifted by the cool draft coming through the open windows. It was floating me gently, back to the shores of an ancient time. The lost are found. I have entered the fairylands of grassy hills and the sea far below the cliffs where I am standing, searching the distance. You, you are here. You lead me through the sweet air of the dark. The scent of jasmine, and your smile, your love awakens my senses, filling me with exotic wafts moving in colors of azure, turquoise, shimmering greens. The midnight sky is glimmering with dancing stars twinkling in the mystery of this everlasting light of love.  This love guides us – a lantern in our soul. It’s all true, upside down and turned around, I am living the divine inversion. I surrender to it all. Now, I’m sailing easy, slow and smooth, the breeze glides me upon joy’s gentle breath of your tender kisses. Resting here for a time, for a time – such beauty bringing the tears of heaven that fill my heart with strength. And now, the morning light breaks through. In the bright of day, believing and being come alive in golden gleams oscillating in perfect harmony. And I take off for new lands and wondrous adventures.


  1. 9-4-2019

    Dear Sandy,

    Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.

    ‘Resting here for a time, for a time’ — ‘I surrender to it all.’

    And peace reigns supreme.


    • 9-4-2019

      Yes, and thank you for your beautiful comments too. It is this sweet peace that allows me to wander into the open fields to explore, look for gems hiding in disguise as a rough stone – and it is a feeling of the Divine that wants to show itself by touching the heart and beauty of those who read my words – Nice when the Love finds its way into the world through the Exquisite Gift of Words – to use them with Love as It is Love that provides them to us.