Posted by on Sep 12, 2019 in Sandy's Blog | 2 comments

Enchantment – Sandy Jones

Serendipity, the lovely unexpected surprises continue to unfold. We find this Beauty that is the Child, the Original Self and suddenly it is a Mountain again. Living now, here, with eyes illumined, open to great expectations, in the Wonder beyond wonders. Now we see completely with the vision of the Heart. In the morning, It’s All here. I need nothing more than this. Just to be here is quite enough. Life Itself is a most extraordinary adventure. I don’t know where I’m going, but, I figure I’m always exactly where I am supposed to be. Living it straight from the Heart, clearly adds a little sprinkling of good fortune to the mix. The Heart of the Child connects with the Divine, It moves with the Infinity of the night, bringing these stars that sparkle with the cosmic delights bubbling up from a Joyful Source of Love. Touched by Something Real, I’m floating through a garden, I hear a love song, my Heart is lifted by this sweet melodious laughter of God. How beautiful my world, how much I love you. Something new shows up, some sweet surprise delights- It never fails. Some tender enchantment within me brings a gentle fearless freedom. As the old Zen master said, quite correctly, “It is a mountain; it is not a mountain; it is a mountain again. God is beyond Infinity to infinity. The Child I am is beyond infinity as well. She is dancing with the Divine. We find the Child and we are taken beyond infinity.


  1. 9-13-2019

    These blog posts are such a pleasure to read and always different and point to the Child Within Us all. It just goes to show how illimitable the source from whence the inspiration for the words is: the infinitude of expression.

    Like an invisible Diamond without measurable size and, yet is known by myriad facets made visible as the light shines through. Thank you, dear Sandy.💕

    • 9-13-2019

      Yes, yes the Source is Infinite – and the Child is Living that Source – and all the facets of the Diamond each and every one of us in our own beautiful unique radiance of each ray that glimmers and sparkles from this Eternal Light that is the Light of All that is – and all that we are – ❤️