Posted by on Jul 9, 2019 in Sandy's Blog | 2 comments

Be kind to yourself, be gentle, allowing, letting it be. A flower blooms in ways we know not of. Life is unfolding perfectly, just the way it is meant to be. There is a wondrous timing for each and everyone. The Divine is leading the way, just like daylight always comes, harmony rules the world in all that It does. In kindness and mystery, the dark of night is essential. Sweet moonlight of Love, it is an especial time for our blooming into our own unique and profoundly beautiful, powerful self. Do what we do, and feel the gentle kiss of the wild winds blowing new life across the sky. Wherever it goes, we learn the mystery of surrender – let it be. Everyone will see it all clearly, one day. You will find your authority, power and strength. You will see how very magical and wondrous, holy and bright you are. For now, it is ours to trust this Love that is the Real and Ever Present Light of Life. This Light, the One Light that is being All that you are. Oh how much you are loved and how radiant your sweet smile that shines with the sparkling, knowing Love that is truly Everlasting.


  1. 7-10-2019

    Aye: “the mystery of surrender – let it be”

    • 7-10-2019

      Which is letting this Living, Unbound Intelligence which flows as the unassailable, fresh, free, honest Reality, show us the way –