We can live this untamed beauty of our Soul, the one we are here to find and to delight in once again. This revolutionary freedom comes from within us. We discover that there is nothing to fear here in this world – not a thing. We can remember and claim our divine birthright – now to Live again, now, here in this world, just as it is – mud puddles and all. We come alive to our own unbound nature of freedom, wide open to Life, letting this world of time and matter lead us back to the Real, the One, the Divine Self that IS this Life we Live. We Live this Joy and bountiful spontaneity as our own nature flows unhindered by the confines that instigate and propagate nothing but false beliefs. We uncover our Light that has been shrouded by lies, untruth, deception and falsehoods, Then to our greatest Joy, we know what death is – and we know what Life is – and we are free. We Live this Light of Life that shines upon the appearances to reveal to our Heart the Sublime Joy and Magnificence of this deathless Life we are.