Through the heartfelt discovery of my very own Self, I found the Real and Mysterious Genius going on in this Life. It is God’s Genius and It is here always We lay claim to our childlike Original Nature and then all the sights and sounds of Life bring us alive again. We live open, we know God is Real. It has found Us and we Live happily expecting the best. Exposed, vulnerable, open to Life, directly in touch with this Living Divine Presence – body to body of God. It feels like magic to me, but it is the Unbound Intelligence of God being the world. We find our pure, pristine Self. This holy Child is the original Christ Light within us, within every heart that Lives and breathes. We find It again, and we feel the movement of the Divine Equation. We find the Child and we wait in starry-eyed wonder for It to show up – It never fails us. We understand the ebb and flow, feeling the rhythm of Its of Beauty, It’s Power, the holy Song – sweet and easy, the Moments come. Ahhh yes, this holy trinity of heaven on earth balanced in the wondrous moments, awaiting Its return in wide open joyful expectancy – then It makes Its moves on me – and there is no doubt what this is.