We’ve all had many marvelous epiphanies in our lives – those moments of sudden clarity, insight, realization. We are in a time of holy wonders, the miracle of Life Itself is unfolding tangibly, visibly revealing the Light right here within us. We are at the threshold, ready to open the door that will bring us to this powerful and grand epiphany. This awakening will manifest Itself as the discovery, or recovery of our individual Divine Soul. We will understand that “out there” is a reflection of “in here.” And this discovery will reflect the Light of heaven, right here on earth. As we Lift our hearts up and Live from our Higher Self we will commence to do for “out there” as the Light of Love suggests we should. This epiphany reveals to us our own pure, fearless, ungovernable Light of freedom within. As we Live this Understanding of our Real Identity we will see that holy Child up and out in our world, like the photon, everywhere at once – while Living right here where we are. We make our own Self-discovery and we will see Real Love manifest in the tangible world. We will know Love that is honest, Love that has no agenda, Love that is fearless, and Lives as this unbound freedom of joyful, creative Self-knowing. Living the Child of Light within us we find the Meadow and play there.