No, it doesn’t matter to me, it all makes my heart sing. Such lovely fabric gets torn but I see the beauty that remains. Beauty, like love, is made of holy stuff, it is forever and cannot be lost. This heart of mine, it knows its own infinity and everlasting light. It makes no difference to the Light of Divine Intelligence what we do or don’t do, know or don’t know. How very beautiful God is. And God is Love. This Life is Love. This is my joy and Love. We are Living this Light of pure sheer pleasure of this living Mystery. I see your magical smile through the delicate threads and the silky wisps of love’s laughter. Here to be carefree in the wondrous feeling of my own untamed beauty, with my hair untied, my spirit unleashed, through this open heart, in comes the holy magic of Love, touching me, moving me, taking me. My peace is Here, as close as breathing. My freedom is here to sip and inhale Life’s pink bubbles that rise from this luminous crystal flute of effervescent Love.
While I was reading, a smile spread on my face then my heart melted to exhale this peace and this newfound freedom, recognized in these lines that I was reading. Thanks so much Sandy for this post.
That is so very dear to know. I do write to the Heart of us. It seems the only way I can express this very tender and yet powerful Presence that I feel, know and Live. It is my unbound Joy and I am delighted to know you are touched by my words and can feel the joyful freedom of this Presence and It’s Love that You are.