Everything is mystical and magical about this world we live in, or more nearly, this world we live AS. The world and the Self are not separate. The world out there and your Identity are one Awareness, One Living Presence of Self-Awareness. The world and You are the Living experience of the One Mind, Isness, the Presence of God. This is a Self-Aware World and this Awareness is you. You are the world you walk through. What appears externally as the world is a reflection of what you think, believe and feel within you. If you are to see your world improve, we do this individually first; then the world, following in time sequentially, is seen confirming our discovery. This is a Mystery, most marvelous. This is the Mystery of the Holy Child within us, the one who comes to deliver our subjective world from the grip of illusion. Life is the quantum experience of Divine Mind. One by one, with our heart fearless and free, we come to see this new heaven and earth that is already spread over the face of Everything. We can, in fact, perceive it right here in the world, no matter the human circumstance or one’s personal condition. We are Living the Mind of God and all things are possible here, because the Self you are is the Light of God’s Self-Knowing Awareness. So, it becomes very clear that If you are to see your world improve, the improvement begins with you.