Something wonderful happens when we realize that Life is here for us, not against us. Then we open our self to the Realization that Life and God are One Presence. You cannot be anywhere else but with the Life that This Divine Light Is. When we are open, loving It all, we are captivated by this sense of Life’s unfolding magic. We are willing to go where It takes us. Something peaceful and fearless will hold you. You will feel the rich depth of Life’s Loving Presence. Nothing stands in our way of seeing and being this Presence of Living-We-Are. This whole, wild, wonderful experience of being here, is simply extraordinary. We find this Living freedom, this lightness, and easy joy. We find that Love is the reason we are here. We live this Love and we see our own Self-projection in the world – It’s the secret of this mystical alchemy. Seeing in my world the beliefs I carry around with me. The joy of finding this Unbound Soul of myself, and Living It – it suites me well. True Love is within Me. It makes me smile. We uncover this elemental beauty of our self, trust this Truth of our own Identity and Live It – we see It’s ongoing Beauty reflecting in the world around us.