Posted by on Dec 5, 2019 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on Two Cats

Two cats are curled up warm and happy, the flickering candles glowing as the enchanting little blazes dance to some rhythmic beat that only flames can hear. How can anyone explain this remarkable beauty that flows through and as all things? There is this Light that is not dependent on what happens, good or bad. It is the Holy Light, an Immeasurable Light that nothing can harm or hinder. It is a Light of peace, and happiness that remains steady and lively, loving and beautiful, always here being the Light of all that You are and All that I Am. We can feel this living joy, this sense of wholeness, this holy Child, the Original Self as we keep ourself open to It’s Presence – It finds us. It is who we are, and It is real. Love is the abiding peace. Love has no fear. Love is unaltered by all the twists and turns that come along as we take this adventure through the world of tangibility. The Child is the fulcrum, It remains balanced, strong, knowing what is and what is not and never was – and loving both. The Beauty we are is unchanged, no matter what – this living happiness, stays here, genuine and flowing free. It is forever amazing, this tenderly moving vision of sublime beauty. We live It’s beauty and It shows us the way. No worries, no fear, we are the Foreverness of Love’s Divine Presence. Everyday is our birthday, we are invited to unwrap our divine gifts and enjoy the happy surprises.