So beautiful outside early this morning. The air is cool and sweet and this gentle peace is here. Something Illimitable, Immutable touches me. I know what has found me. How amazing It is. We see It and we Live again, innocent, like a little child. Life, Sweet, sweet surrender. We are most certainly aware that we are here, that we exist. Realizing this, I am lifted up to see my world sparkling, glimmering in this tender beauty and love. This magical world is here within my Heart, right here, within me – this is where we find the Divine Mystery. Here within us. In joyful freedom we accept with open arms this Mystery we have been given. We give in, no longer refusing, denying the Mysterious Wonder of our own being. Fully open to this Divine Light comes the Living action of Life – and I find heaven right here, all around me. It begins here within this Mystical Heart of the holy Light, the Child I am.