Dear Light of Life, Self of Myself. How glorious to know that we live this Light of our unbound Joy, right here in the world, standing firmly on our own two feet. We live the Infinite Love we are, with our heart open to Life, knowing that Life is Love and Life is the Light of All That Is. So we will live all of this fearlessly, here, right here in this wild, tangible objective world of appearances. We Live knowing we are the holy Child that connects Itself to Godhead the source and substance of our Awareness and this world of time-space matter. We Live our Joy of Knowing, here in the world – and the whole world benefits. We Live This Light of Life that IS the Living Awareness of God, the Source of EVERYTHING. The Child Lives mid-point, the Balance between God and the world. Three in One, we are the holy trinity of This Wonder-beyond-wonder of Being. We know there is nothing outside of this Omniscient Living Presence, This being the Life of All That You are. It is Awesome. Illimitable Light and Its wisdom, It’s All Inclusive Selfhood, right here -This Life I am, you are – this Infinite and eternal Life we are.