And for me, that my words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of my wondrous world. There is an invisible, substantial power behind the appearances of this world. The power is the Infinite Mind of God. That Mind is here being all that you are. Everything going on in your world is happening within this Divine Consciousness. You are one with this Living Mind of God. We are creating this unfolding story appearing out there in the world. You see in your world what you hold within you. It’s your attitudes, your state of mind, your thoughts, your feelings reflecting as images out there in the world. Whatever you want is up to you, individually, alone. To make your world a more beautiful place you have to do it from inside out. Not the other way around. The world is a Perfect Vessel, it is the Living Mind of God. That Mind is always with you, here, including all that you are. You will manifest whatever you hold within you. You can open your Self to drink the waters of this holy Vessel of Divine Mind and Live from this flowing beauty that pours though you. When you do, you will see your world blossom in abundance, love, peace and Joy, reflecting this unbound beauty you are. This Presence of Divine Mind is yours, it is up to you what you would like see in your world – It’s all within you.