It is in our divine imprint, our holy DNA. We are designed for this. We cannot flourish with fear encapsulating our holy beauty. We are here to open ourself to Life. To Live fully feeling it all, willing to let Life take us, no matter what we’ve been programmed to believe. Break free to be this living, unfolding, glorious essence of yourself. Like a little seed soaking in the earth, quiet in the dark of the unknown, feeling the warmth of the springtime rain, Life nourishing the seed in the silence of a holy mystery. The essential nature of the seed is not afraid. It gives of itself, reaching outward into nothing, pushing into the darkness of the soil. Moving up through the earth, unaware it’s receiving all it needs from everything around it. Earth and sunlight touching the little sprout as it breaks out toward the light. Stem and leaves, bud closed, waiting, and slowly, slowly it blooms into fullness. We are Living this mystical world of being in this holy garden, here to open ourself to feel the spark of our inner beauty, as the divine seed of our self begins to grow. Giving to ourself from ourself, because we are here to Live what we are made for, to bloom into our full glory, the fruitful bounty of our being. Everything rushes in providing all we need. We open our our heart to the unknown, to fearlessly give ourself to Love’s innate passion, letting Life touch us with Its inherent Faith. Then to bloom in this holy garden, here in this sublime moment of our own being.