Posted by on Aug 25, 2020 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on Only You

“Autumn Light” by Sandy Jones

I always find it so enchanting that in the heat of summer weather, there comes this day when the feeling of Fall is in the air. It makes it so obvious that we are the world we walk through. Our senses enamored with the world of our timeless Soul. We are Life filled with the knowing of this Light of Everlasting Beauty. Knowing Knows and Loves the One and Only You. And one day we discover that how we feel is not dependent on how the day is or how things go in our life. And we realize the choice is ours. So we choose to live playfully, unconditioned, fearless, defenseless, vulnerable and fully alive to Life. We choose to expose our heart to this unbound flow of Life. Fully aware that things are powerless, we choose to Live this Glorious Light of Life that shines as the imagination of our childlike wonder and creative ongoing Beauty. Despite whatever is going on, we choose to live tenderly, touching, feeling this harmonious, playful, easy, happy spirit of the Living Holy Mystery. This Divine Mind is the Living Light of each and every moment. Love is beaming Its radiance through You and Me. We can’t stop It from Being who we are – we are the beloved, playful children of the Sacred Allness of Everything.