Posted by on Aug 29, 2020 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on Grand Explosion

We are the loving entwinement of spirit and matter. In this mystical alchemy of divine involvement, the two are united as One. This miracle of Love creates a grand explosion, a thundering pulse of passion, the light of glorious beauty, joy and mystery. We are this world of starry intoxication, sultry exhalation of the Divine. It is a holy chemistry, blending Seen and Unseen, What Is and Is Not, bringing forth this joyful Knowing Universe. We are the unfolding Light, revealing Something More, Something Wondrous, here in the wild, sacred heart of our Self, living in the land of ten thousand things. The lightness of delight has lifted me in Its wonder. Life holds me close, we are in love, sweet and intimate to feel and taste the heavenly, deep and sensual secrets of my beloved world touching me.