Posted by on Jul 26, 2020 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on Living Miracle

We are on this Divine Road, cruising along on the Miracles and Wonders. I trust that whatever comes along is leading to Something Good – sooner or later. As for me, I’ll keep my own counsel and stay with what I know to be right in my own heart. The Living Presence of Life is Eternal. It is greater than all that is within It. It is untouched by matter and time or whatever people do or don’t do. I trust this Light of my Self and I will live my life in my way. Love shows me how everything works rather brilliantly because Life does not abide the human game plan. I’m moving along with this Miracle of Life, this Living Light of Divine Intelligence, happy to watch the marvel of this Universe, the Living Mind of God that happens all by Itself. How or why things go the way they do, I don’t know, but they do and it doesn’t matter – and in that alone is the Living Miracle. My spirit is filled with this anticipation of good in all things – and I find it. I will keep my heart open, feeling the wonders that come waltzing in to lift me off my feet, to dance with me to the rhythms of this passionate, intimate union in the arms of my Sweet Lover.-