Posted by on Jun 1, 2020 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on Let It Shine

When we let our love shine here in the world, fearless in the Joy of ourself, striped bare, uninhibited, vulnerable, exposed and raw, something magical happens. Here, just open to life, feeling it all in an honest tenderness, something wonderful unfolds. In the freshness of living wide open, love brings us close to everything we are, we come alive and free. Time is rendered powerless through this untamed feeling of love. And you look around and you know. Oh the beauty when we touch – and in our touch we know it’s all right – and it is. Nothing is more magical than this purity of our Soul lived unabashedly open, fearlessly and tenderly. Knowing who we are, we are swept into the magic, we live and love again. We are invincible in our vulnerable, childlike beauty. –