Posted by on Apr 15, 2020 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on The Meadow

“Ewe Know” by Sandy Jones

I am in love with this childlike spirit of whimsy and joy. No reason to get serious. Love is joyful, I cherish Its happiness and laughter that sparkles my soul. Finding Reality makes it easy to live wide open to the divine and holy Light of it all. I don’t see any other way to Live. The passing scenery makes no difference to the Eternal Light we are. Here in the delight of my heart I can see the sweet wonder and beauty. It’s here, It does not go anywhere, ever. God keeps opening the gates asking us to run playfully into this divine garden of it all. Sweet Life. It’s truly joyful to know this unrestrained beauty is always here., It melts me with love. This holy river inside me smiles with love for you, bubbly you. I’ve seen who we really are, and that Identity is timeless, it transcends this world of matter. Finding this Self, we learn to stand upon our own two feet, in peaceful understanding.. My spirit lives the pleasures of God’s Symphony covering the hills with bright colors of little wild flowers. The living poetry of freedom is here within us all as these unfolding blossoms of wonder that never leave or forsake us.