Posted by on Feb 15, 2020 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on The Child’s Way

Ewe Know – Sandy Jones

It really is a magical kingdom. I am enchanted by this mystical heart we have all been given. I see it smile at science as it plays with theology, enjoying with curiosity and interest in it all. Then, this Heart leaps joyfully into the magic and undermines them both. Here we can hear the Laughter of God and songs of Love. The Child finds so much wonder in Life, sensing the fact that we exist as the Light and Presence of a Living Miracle. This childlike Soul sees it all come together in this alchemy of honesty and love. We skip and play in the simple beauty beyond the rationalist’s logical limits, outside reason and over the fences of indoctrination. Our heart leaps out into the open spaces – and all I know, is that I’d be lost in this world without this childlike beauty that lives beyond the bounds of fear and quartered thinking, as she takes my hand and shows me the Way.