Posted by on Jan 12, 2020 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on The Reason

Art Studio

We find the Light within us that reveals the reasons, and the Reason beyond the reasons. We feel the unbound carefree joy – feeling like a child, once again. No cause for fear or worry as open to Real Understanding. And then the Wonders begin to unfold, as this marvelous childlikeness and simplicity arrives. We are liberated, set free while Its protecting Power of another kind takes care of us, shows us the way, guides us through the labyrinth of the world. Now, we see the world from this expansive, yet so very personal, third position. True to ourself, we move through the challenges of this world scene, feeling nimble and balanced upon the fulcrum of this Self-Realization. From this open, easy freedom, here, fully, wholly here, we feel the rich, deep, meaningful, wondrous beauty of Life again – even though and despite the challenges of the time-space experience. We are walking, playing, touching, feeling the Divine Presence of it all. We are living this Love, and being in love, here, in the meadow of delight, always here, on holy ground. Nothing is left out, as all three levels of perception are perfectly here. We are in tune with the total Symphony of Life, each note blending harmoniously into a joyful Song.