Posted by on Nov 1, 2019 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on Wilderness

There is no doubt, the gods of good luck and mystery have done the magic, once again. It wasn’t me. I was pushed right out front and all I could do was hold on, do my best, guessing and trusting – that was it. And there is was, this my jovial Jupiter, enormous planet of good fortune pulls me close. I am always open to surprise, enchanted by the wonderful sound of strings playing far far away on the outer edges of Infinity. The miracles unfolding right here, living proof, I have no doubt. Dancing in the yellow sparks of light, the bright golden gifts are glowing in my Soul. Miracles enter the night sky, dressed in the color of Love, roses and wine. I am standing on this bridge twixt Real and unreal, between Life and death. I see the Infinity of my soul, what is and what Is not. Entwined in this omniscient holiness, under the lamplight, on the street, the two merge. The alchemist’s magic blending and revealing the world, clear, true, just as it is. Here, on this bridge, filled with the beauty, the river rushing with fresh Living waters, I am the fullness of this expansive Heart, in love with this Wild Wilderness of the Unknown Prairie of Divine Freedom.