Posted by on Nov 12, 2019 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on Naturally

I do see the reflection of the Divine Intelligence of God in the perfect balance of nature. Nature is the visible evidence of God. Which includes our own nature, our natural Self, the pure Beauty of our individual expression. I was outside in my garden this morning and I see the Myers lemons are beginning to ripen from green into yellow. The tree is laden with lemons. The days are bright and beautiful. I am not sure if the sweet fragrance of orange blossoms is my mind or in the air. But the joy goes unrestricted, as it makes no difference to this indivisible reality, whether it is in my mind, in my heart or in the sanctified breath of life I inhale. Life is everywhere, the edgeless within and out there. Either way is always the way. I sense my world is a garden of love, here, within me. What science calls the singularity, is the Holy Wonder that we are the world we walk through – or to say another way, what we be is what we see. So, yes, easy does it little cowboys and cowgirls. No one is left out of this Infinite Love that is being All That Is. We are the Living Presence unfolding as a wonderland of the Divine. It is all around us, the grassy prairie. We are the Living power and Mystery of an unending bounty of the holy and sublime.