Posted by on Mar 4, 2019 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on The Garden

Joy Sings – Sandy Jones

The little garden is green and lush, soft and wet, the air is soaked with the rich fragrance of earth’s unfolding beauty. It is the power of this unrestrained force of some immutable mystery that performs the magic, brings forth this exquisite bounty of life. What can we know except what we are? Nature is the evidence of God, perfect balance, eternal equilibrium.

Do you remember when you were a little boy and I, a little girl? I do. Life was wild, we were unafraid, carefree, daring.

Those days of her uninhibited laughter have returned to me, right here in the heart of me. This Child is a holy dynamo. She stands on her own two feet, fearless, whole and free. This wholeness is filled wth the entire infinite world of limitless totality. The spirit is sweet and easy, living unbridled, here, in the heavenly meadow where we are both the evidence and witness of the evidence.

The jasmine over the doorway are taking their time to bloom. Not yet. not yet. The bursting abundance of those, blushed pink, white flowers, those most fragrant honey sweet tiny blooms are not yet. But the heart knows something marvelous is stirring deep within the unseen mystery that is here. Then we look again and suddenly, how quickly the little garden of beauty opens itself to the warmth of a new day.. 

Saturated now. I cannot think of a more perfect love than this. This is a miracle – all of it – yes all of it. The enduring power of love brings gifts, timeless and bright. This love will fill the air with the sweetest scent of jasmine and orange blossoms, the fragrant wonder of the divine that knows no bounds. And I will feel the desire of your golden love, your sparkling love that touches me, takes me, in early morning sunshine.