Posted by on Mar 19, 2019 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on Splendorous Knowing

Love, our whole existence is Love. In the timeless wonders and magic the magician gently brings us fully into bloom. Slowly, sweetly, we come into the fullness of our self, our own beauty. Sweet joy. We don’t have to do anything to make this happen. We just live and feel and touch and be the wonder of It all. The recent rains have turned our burnt mountains into spring time glorious green, dappled with patches of orange poppies and dotted wth colorful wild purple charms and happy yellow mustard flowers. My, my, my- It’s all Love. This divine experience of Life is the sublime, inexplicable miracle. Love is always here, doing what it does. Life moving the way it will, knowing Itself in Its Infinite Totality as all this coming and going, returning, rising up, ebb and flow, dying down and born again in the grand and gentle splendor of our very own being. This Life is who we are, this undying Love is the very Light of our Identity, our Soul, the Heart of all that is. And the Joy of my heart is unbound and carefree, living the beauty of this sweet mystery. The profound Joy that keeps my heart easy and true –Love is Life and Life is all that is and all that I am. How beautiful the freedom of to live this tender, childlike innocence, that has come back to me. I immersed in its wholeness, touching the infinite beginning without end. The power of this Light of everlasting Life is this love that moves me, moves my soul and takes me into the depth and joy of such wonders.w