Posted by on Feb 25, 2019 in Sandy's Blog | 2 comments

Strawberries – Sandy Jones

I aim for the stars and realize there is no end to this Infinite Life we are, no end to the joy of being. This is magic, this is the beauty – we are love. Love, it’s all love. That’s because life is the unbound spirit of the ever present, Infinite All. Life is beyond time and matter. Life is the Supernal Light without beginning and therefore, without end. This Infinite Mystery is all that is and all that we are. We are experiencing the uncaused, zero point Light, the immeasurable, unseen, Immovable Light that is being the tangible, dancing joy, the wondrous existence of this measurable light being this world we see, the magic wonder of experience. We are touching the living Light, heart to heart, here as we are. There is nothing but the divine in all that is, all we see and all we be. We are living love’s infinity. It’s you and me and the big blue sea. We are here, we are now, that is a fact. Who could say “I am not here” without being here? No one could. Oh what a very sweet thing to know. It’s love’s divine laughter, it’s a pink ice cream kind of thing, a strawberry wine on a summer day sort of feeling that lightens our heart. That’s the mystical magic of it all. We open our heart and imbibe in the deep, rich beauty of this love that life is. Here we are, nothing but delicious wonder and miracles – all this is love. Love is now and now is what we are. And we get to enjoy it all. That’s the way of life. That’s the way we are, the way the magic is – and the magic is you. All this splendor is in my heart. I feel the divine joy of this beauty that shines bright in your smile, and touches me with the sparkling light in your eyes.


  1. 2-26-2019

    **** ****
    /\ /\


  2. 2-26-2019

    Thank you Walt – 💕 ❤️ 💝