Posted by on Nov 17, 2018 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on Trust Life

Scarlet Ribbons – Sandy Jones

I know this Child, the Christos, is here and accessible to all of us.  But I don’t know exactly how I found it, or more likely, how it found me.  I am sure this  gentle beauty and brilliance that lives and moves me, lives and moves us all, every one of us.

We were all children once. This Christos is the Child of everyone. For me She feels like the little girl I was,  when I young She is that fresh, funny, vital spirit, I was, and she came back to me, slowly, little by little, until one day, she came and she said. I knew who she was and I took hold of her and now she is with me always, sweet and easy and forever.

Look within the very Heart of you, be open to Life. This Child is yours, it is you, the Real of yourself, balanced, steady, and true. And yet It is transcendent and never touched by this world of tangible time.  She takes me, guides me through this world now, she does the work for me. I let go and watch such marvels revealed.  She is a divine intelligence that allows me to understand the reasons for the challenges of Life. She shows me in ways that are real and personal to me.

Perhaps we can all find this Child if we trust Life.  I have learned to trust Life.  So I just let go and see what happens. It’s a bit like being on the back of a red Ducati, holding on tight to my lover as he speeds along the winding roads, takes the curves, going this way and that. I can’t see where we are going, I can only trust the unknown. But I can snuggle myself close, hold on tight and breathe in the heat of his strong body. I inhale the calming redolence wafting from the warmth of his black leather jacket. I feel safe in the closeness. I feel the motion as he leans and turns. I connect to him, I yield and let go while remaining agile and strong.

Yes, so it is. Feeling Life. Not trying to make it something we want, but just being open to it all, open, up close, moving along on this road of Life and giving in to all the slippery hazards and sharp curves along the way.

There is a thrilling rush as the unexpected demands open my heart to this passionate flow of Love. This Love is always here, always with me. This Love loves to love. This is the Child of me, she exists right here, right next to Reality, and I am alright. We are all alright. Everything is alright. And how very much I love you –