Posted by on Oct 12, 2018 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on Flame of Love

Strawberries – Sandy Jones

This is a love that is the very Life of all that is. The love that was never born and never dies. This love is inescapable. It is this Life, the Living Presence of God Itself. This is the love that is not intimidated by limited, restricting professions of the erudite, indoctrinated, well educated. This is a love that is alive, raw, vulnerable, soft, simple and childlike, the life of this illimitable Light, this Light that is being all that is, and all that you are. This love moves in the world of time and space, appearing here as all things, everything, including every changing appearance of itself – yet the love lives beyond, untouched by all things, all measure. It is the love eternal and lives here as the very life I am. This love is filled with a profound freedom, rooted in the warm glow of innocence and honesty. This is it. A love that manifests here, in the world, as an endless love, a wholeness, this precious, treasured love – gently unfolding beauty of laughter, love songs, smiles,  kindness, the moon, midnight, the stars, a summer breeze, green, green wonder, holding hands, making dinner, snow fall, light fresh powdery snow, logs ablaze, warmth of hearth, children’s laughter, golden light, radiance sparkling through beveled glass, prisms of colors cast across the room, residing peace, every moment of this life, words, whispers, glistening tears of love, happy voices  – all of it – the dirt road  to the house, you coming up the drive, coming home in your old truck, lover of engines, lover of beauty, my heart still beats, I am here –  the streaming creek, sweet are the sounds, loving arms and soft kisses, your beautiful lips –  you bring me flowers, I put them in vases – cats and kids, all here, playing quietly on the glistening pine wood floors, the oriental rugs, that magic of deep magenta – here we are, you and me – and all that is. This, the power and grace that dances barefoot upon the Rock, while singing a song in the chords of a greater understanding. I will keep shining. I will continue to love, and love the way I love. This is a sublime and everlasting love that shines steadfast from the open windows of my being. No way to hide the lamp that shines bright, the love that flames and burns from a crucible of everlasting oil.