Posted by on Oct 10, 2018 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on Circles of Light

Three Trees – Sandy Jones

I can see the colors, an infinite multitude of brilliant light, sparkling in the radiance of love. I am wide open. The entire universe, circles within circles, pouring in, out, upside, down side up, all of me, the very life of me. Here I am. There are no limits to this expanse of my existence, It sings and soars in the untamed beauty of being. I am swept away by all that I include, all that I am. The ripples of this love never leaving, always here, every sweet wave of lifeĀ lifting me up. And as the little girl of Oz says “But it wasn’t a dream. It was a place. And you and you and you…and you were there.” It is all right here, clearly seen in the morning light, with the heart open, awakened to all the infinite wonder’s of myself. All of it is here. Trusting it, I trust you. You know. Life is enchanting me, I need nothing more than this opulent display of magic. Open and unafraid, this is my own living evidence, a world pouring from the divine source, the illimitable wellspring of love.