Posted by on Aug 16, 2018 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on Spirit of Beauty

Buttercups – Sandy Jones

Creative energy, filled with sweet holy desires, come to us as we find and live our true self. This real self is the original soul of us. It is childlike, pristine, full of laugher and love. It is our authentic nature and it sits next to Reality-God. This is Love, it is who we are. We can live our original Identity right here in the world, right now, just the way we are. This Identity has been who we are since before the world was. Each of us has an exquisite, unique, divine blue print. It is us, it’s right here. We can rediscover it, uncover it, let our true beauty bloom and live again as this unbound heart, right here in the world.

Ours is to find and live this childlike joy. As this eternal Light of ourself is uncovered, exposed to the wild winds of life, it is rekindled and the fire comes to life again. Let it glow and grow brighter and let the flames go higher, as you recognize your own infinite beauty in the heat and light of this sacred love you are.
Trusting in the divine source of this vitality of loving expression, we are living straight from the holy fountain, one to one with Life Itself. Drinking in this infinite well spring, we imbibe in its goodness, love, conscience, joy, creativity, equanimity and beauty.

If you want a better world, if you want to see things change. Then, one by one, we would each to do well to make our own, individual self- discovery and dare to live it, radiant and bountiful in all your perfect beauty.    – Sandy Jones