Posted by on Apr 22, 2018 in Sandy's Blog | Comments Off on The Sea

Sailing – Sandy Jones

Living life is like riding the waves. Sometimes it’s shore break, pummeled and tossed, we hit the sand. Sometimes it’s smooth, powerful, it takes us up and we glide with ease. Most of all, there is this way to live it all like a kid on a summer day at the beach.

Yes, it happens, it is real, it happens when we find the wonder again, when the joy comes back. It is the same joy we felt as a child, trusting, innocent and pure.  That spirit can return, and it does when we look for it. We look for and find that sweet place in our soul, the happy heart of us that lives by ocean on a summer day.

That heartfelt beauty of us is still here, alive and awaiting our call. It is steady and true, it never leaves us.  Here in this untamable world, we can hold to that one within us.  It is the soul of us, the self that knows the joy and laughter of it all, and is not afraid to play in the crashing waves. it is the spirit of us, that sometimes catches the perfect ride, but even when tossed on the sandy shore, it is always in love with this day, this life, this wondrous delight of being. Just like we did when we were kids, playing by the seaside, skipping in the water at the edge of shore, finding seaweed, slippery and mysterious, feeling f the sun our skin, as it soaks us, pulling us gently in its warm love. Nothing more joyful, more rich and real than this –  we are enchanted with it all.

Oh my love, I am in awe, it has all come back to me. And I giggle, and I love the wonder of this glorious love affair with life. I am that little girl again, a child living the faithfulness of life itself. I am playing, defenseless, fearless in this sea of love. Like a kid, enjoying the sunshine, the sounds of the waves, the wet, cool sand, the screech of the gulls, the salty water on soft suntanned skin, the refreshing sparkling ocean calling me in. Diving into the waves, I am immersed in the joy of this holy baptism.  Yes, it is. The beach, warm sand, a song in my heart, sweet life, so full of delight in the infinite beauty of it all and all that I am.