Posted by on Jun 16, 2020 in Sandy's Blog | 2 comments

It’s a misty, moisty morning, silvery overcast sky, soft, quiet, and lovely. Every day is unique, new, special. My cactus plant is blooming again. He blooms about three times a year. His flowery top notch on his lean, prickly stature makes me smile. He is a charming character and a stalwart individual. Which reminds me of something important about the individual. If people really want to change the world, we have to do it one by one from within our own heart. There is no real change that can come from a collective with an agenda to rearrange the scene. Change the tangible scene, but you really change nothing of real value. The world that appears out there is the reflection of our individual state of mind. There is Something divine and mystical how all this works. We change our world, alone, all by ourself, here within our heart. We do this as a solitary, single soul, one to one with God. This Divine Solipsism is Life Itself, it is the undeniable Way things work. Even when we have no inkling that our world is reflecting who we are individually, it goes right on doing it. Alone on our journey to Self discovery, we return to our Heart, the pristine unbound Joy of Being – and we see our world filled with, beauty, love and carefree joy.


  1. 6-17-2020

    Yahoo Sandy…

    “This Divine Solipsism is Life Itself…”
    I wonder how this would change the solipsism argument
    of empiricists when they try to explain away non-duality.

    They will do what they will do,
    And ‘Divine Solipsism’ will not be affected one bit.
    Continue manifesting!


    • 6-17-2020

      So delighted that you ‘saw’ what I am saying – and Yes, of course it is true, Life is Divine Solipsism – One Mind Only – I guess it take the childlike and guileless Heart to be able to feel this Holy Presence being All That we are and all That Is. Thank you Walt, that’s beautiful – 💕