Posted by on Mar 15, 2020 in Sandy's Blog | 2 comments

Owl Creek – Sandy Jones

It’s a romance, an epic love story of a Divine Mystery. We are the remarkable magic. Life is one bright, brilliant living story of love. We are God’s delightful offspring, dancing, skipping, leaping metaphor, word, symbols, verbs – living as tangible expressions of this Infinite Holy Light. This Illimitable Light is Love made visible as a world of profound visions, a world of brilliance, living brilliance. Children and flowers smile in the rain storms. The garden thrives in the rich fertile wetness of this Love soaking the Heart in the dark of the night. Everything receives and abounds as heaven’s flashing Joy unleashed and we hear the sound of the River thundering with passionate hallelujahs. We live wide open to this deluge of Love pouring over this world of You and Me. The storm passes and everything is new, fresh, green, alive. The jasmine come into bloom, the sweet fragrance permeates the fresh clean air. We look up and out, there, right behind the rain, comes the rainbow, the sun, the blue sky. In love lifting us higher, to adore, to cherish, to feel such wonders as we live always far beyond time and matter


  1. 3-15-2020

    Sandy, wow! that’s an amazing piece of writing ๐Ÿ’•, I especially love thisโ€”

    We are Godโ€™s delightful offspring,
    dancing, skipping, leaping metaphor,
    word, symbols, verbs โ€“
    living as tangible expressions of
    this Infinite Holy Light.

    • 3-15-2020

      Yipee! sweet Joy! – and yes we are – ๐Ÿ’•